Tagged: Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy Coming to Meta Quest

In more unexpected RPG news, Square Enix announced a VR version of tactical RPG Triangle Strategy. The game will launch on Meta Quest 2 and 3 in just over a month.

RPG Backtrack 318 – All These Triangles Make a Square

If you find yourself agonizing over everyday decisions, then we have the game for you! Triangle Strategy makes convincing people to vote your way fun!  Just ask Josh, Ryan C, and Wheels on this week’s show.  We are still trying to convince them that another Idea Factory special is a good idea.

Triangle Strategy Update Released

Square Enix and Artdink released a free update for Triangle Strategy. The update includes new battle replay features, as well as an additional ten-minute story epilogue.


RPGCast – Episode 655 : “You Kick Puppies!”

Phil Willis is back and while he’s not Chris, he plays him on the podcast. Anna Marie is wondering why her cat, Scamper, is losing his mind. Kelley is compensating for suck, and we’re all anxiously awaiting the launch of Pokémon this week.

Triangle Strategy Coming to PC

Square Enix is bringing Triangle Strategy to a new platform very soon. PC players will be able to navigate the Norzellian conflict starting in October.