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1 Response

  1. fireminer fireminer says:

    Putting up a bunch of questions here because I don’t want to clog up the Discord:

    1) If modern home consoles have to be that big to accommodate all the fans and heatsinks, then why hasn’t Sony made a smart TV with built-in PS5? Modern TV are big enough that you can spread out the PS5’s parts on the back of the TV and still not increase its thickness by much. The last time Sony tried to do this was the Bravia PS2 TV.

    2) Speaking of TV, how many smart TV you own that have become obsolete and unable to update their OS? It’s so weird that some Toshiba, LG or Samsung smart TV are now unable to even watch Netflix and YouTube, while the older X360 and PS3 still can.

    3) For some reason I am now the owner of a Panasonic CRT with built-in VHS player. Did anyone here have these things back in their day? I feel like it was around the very tail-end of the 90s that the combo TV/VCR started to appear, right when mini CRT TV were dirt cheap.

    4) Can you believe that they are still making new portable DVD player and TV with built-in DVD player? When was the last time anyone here bought a DVD? There are still new movies coming out on DVD, and for some weird reason the DVD releases of some films like the Spider-Verse movies are more expensive than the Blu-Ray releases. They aren’t even special edition DVD!

    5) Did anyone here ever tried to steal their neighbors’ cable or hack their TiVo? And when was the last time anyone ever owned a TiVo?

    6) Just how many people here use DisplayPort on a daily basis? I used to own a Phillips smart TV with DisplayPort that I plugged both my home media PC and the PS3 to. That TV eventually failed, but I always thought that it’s nice if you can do both PC and console gaming on a single screen to save spaces. I guess that you can just plug an Android TV stick to your PC monitor nowadays.

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