Category: Reviews

Fate Seeker II Review

Does anyone miss the confused translation era of the 90s? Not this gamer, and reliving it in 2024 through isometric detective action RPG Fate Seeker II has been a rough journey.

Echo Generation Review

’90s kids take note: Echo Generation answers the question of what would happen if The X-Files invaded small-town America. With impressive presentation values to boot, it’s an entertaining blast from the past worth checking out.

Sand Land Review

Welcome to Sand Land, a world where water is difficult to come by and Mad Max weirdos are out to cause havoc. Did Sam Wachter survive her visit to Sand Land? Or was she crushed by a Jump Bot?

Capes Review

Spitfire Interactive marks its debut with superhero tactical RPG Capes. While it aims to be in the big hero leagues, the game fits more in sidekick territory.

Dream Tactics Review

Dream Tactics takes players to the Dream World, where there are plenty of pillows to beat down in strategic battles. Solid combat and fun character interactions make the game an enjoyable experience.

Fallout Season One Review

Amazon Prime recently released season one of Fallout for viewers to enjoy. Is Lucy’s journey worth the price of admission? Or does the show give viewers uranium fever? (That’s done and got me doooooooown!)

Withering Rooms Review

Feeling scared and anxious while playing a horror title is always important. Moonless Formless’ Withering Rooms hits this ambience wonderfully, but can the roguelite gameplay match up in this 2.5D metroidvania?

Unicorn Overlord Review

After its foray into sci-fi, Vanillaware returns to fantasy with Unicorn Overlord. Blending together a wonderful presentation with a sense of pacing that fits all styles, this is a tactical RPG that shines brightly.