Tagged: Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy Gets One More Demo

With Triangle Strategy releasing early next month, Square Enix has another demo for players. This one will let players carry their progress over to the final game.

Triangle Strategy Introduces Benedict Pascal

The third Triangle Strategy character trailer focuses on Benedict Pascal and the motivations of House Wolffort. It also introduces the game’s class and weapon upgrade systems.

How Modern Pixel-Art RPGs Shine

Gaming nostalgia isn’t a new thing. That said, modernized pixel-art titles aren’t just a blast from the past since many add once-futuristic visuals to the mix, creating a truly unforgettable look and feel.

New Triangle Strategy English Trailer Released

Nintendo and Square Enix released a new English trailer for Triangle Strategy. The video is a translated version of its most recent Japanese trailer, which focuses on party member Roland Glenbrook and those around him.

Triangle Strategy Characters Introduced

Square Enix provided new Japanese details and media for Triangle Strategy. The update introduces numerous characters appearing in the game, which is set to arrive in March.

Triangle Strategy Releasing in March

Square Enix and Nintendo provided a release date and official title for Triangle Strategy. The HD-2D tactical RPG will launch in March.

Project Triangle Strategy Announced

One of the biggest reveals in today’s Nintendo Direct was Project Triangle Strategy. The tactical RPG uses the same HD-2D graphics as Octopath Traveler, with a demo now available to try out.