Category: RPG Cast

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RPG Cast – Episode 607: “Extra Life 2021”

Chris dies a lot. Then some more. Then Kelley explains how digimon are vegan to Chris. Then Sam explains how books work to Chris (with a lot of cursing). Then Josh explains how birthmarks work to Chris. Then Anna Marie explains how cosplaying works to Chris. Then Chris gets dunked on some more by a boss. Then the show ends.

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RPG Cast – Episode 605: “Have You Saved Recently?”

It’s a quiet news week before the big push of releases before the holiday gaming rush. Chris invites hate mail for his crazy views on Final Fantasy VII and Mario 64. Kelley discovers her friendship isn’t worth an iPad. And Anna Marie wants easy modes to actually be easy. Is that too much to ask? Wait…it IS a bunny!

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RPG Cast – Episode 597: “The Answer Is Apricorns!”

The RPG Cast crew discovers where the monkey’s paw has taken them this week. Chris is trapped in a room playing with kitties. Kelley has to survive a Pokémon/Shining Force Crossover. Anna Marie is stuck in a time loop and isn’t sure where the spoon is. Josh almost succeeded in not shooting any children out of cannons, but then he took an arrow to the knee. Meanwhile, Shining Force smiles evilly.