The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Review
Have you traveled across Liberl yet? Well, in case you missed it the first two times, RPGamer is ready to provide yet some more thoughts on XSEED and Falcom’s magnum opus.
Have you traveled across Liberl yet? Well, in case you missed it the first two times, RPGamer is ready to provide yet some more thoughts on XSEED and Falcom’s magnum opus.
Unlike some other dungeons crawlers, ClaDun does it with an 8-bit accent. The gauntlet may be thrown down, but who shall pick it up to slap the developers across the face?
It’s a shame that the PSP didn’t take off in North America like it did in Japan, because there are some great RPGs coming out of Japan. It’s no spoiler to say that Trails in the Sky is one of those games.
Someone should call Guinness World Records, because Final Fantasy IV is likely to break a record soon for being the most remade game. At least this time The After Years has been packed in for those unwilling to pay for the WiiWare episodes.
A popular delicacy in Japan, is God Eating set to become the next big craze? We are pleased to provide two opinions on the matter to help you decide if it’s worth a taste.
A popular delicacy in Japan, is God Eating set to become the next big craze? We are pleased to provide two opinions on the matter to help you decide if it’s worth a taste.
Our reviewer took his sweet time, but it seems to have been worth it. See for yourself how much gushing TitS can take.
Down in Hermuda, the Pale Blue Sea Phantom Brave: The Hermuda Triangle marks the second time that NISA has ported its gridless tactical RPG, originally...
For balanced tactical combat, tough moral choices, and sieges consisting of eleven octopods and a guy with a whip, Tactics Ogre has you covered.
Despite threatening him with its scary latin, Dissidia Duodecim doesn’t seem to have hurt our reviewer’s head too much. Disagreements should be settled by raging on the boards.
Stand firm, Unlosing Gamers! You have the unflagging spirit of justice in your hearts! It blazes like a volcano, ready to spew passionate lava into the turbulent sea of despair. The mixture will harden and islands will form. New life will grow where once there was only anguish and want. Are you up to the task? Is Nippon Ichi’s Unlosing Ranger? The future is our true hope.
Here’s another take on Persona 3 Portable. Does it still hold the appeal of the original when draped in feminine clothing?
Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley is like the Karate Kid. Evil Funland is trying to knock the residents down, and it’s your job to pick them back up again. All this game lacks is a token Asian to be Mr. Miyagi.
You have thirty seconds to read this second opinion of Half-Minute Hero. Don’t worry if you’re a slow reader, you can pay me 100G and I’ll reset the timer for you.
Saving the world is a tough job, but it’s even tougher when you’re on the clock. Is this a job worth taking, or should you punch out early?
I’d like a large burger combo with a root beer to drink. Throw in a side order of monsters and mayhem in the forest and some caves, too. Oh, and can this be an order to go, please?
The sequel to the highly acclaimed SRPG, Disgaea, returns on Sony’s PSP with 4 all new chapters starring Axel. He’s trying to be a rock star again for real! Disgaea 2: DHD also features new systems that were first used in Disgaea 3, such as Magichange and Throw & Receive!
With two weeks of previews behind us, we take our final look at Dissidia: Final Fantasy. The game’s official release is just under a week away.
It was loved in Japan, but will Wizardry + Furry Dwarves = Success in America? Read what RPGamer thought of the latest first person crawler brought over by Atlus and keep your credit card nearby.
While Killian might be saddled with a streak of bad luck, one can only hope the game itself fares better. RPGamer plunges headlong into the soul-crushing hamster wheel of Crimson Gem Saga.
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