Trails of Cold Steel III Demo Now Available
A free demo version of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is now available to download on PlayStation 4 in North America and Europe. The demo lets players go through the game’s prologue chapter and carry over their save data to the full game when it launches next month. Publisher NIS America has noted that players that do carry over their save data may miss out on a trophy, and has provided a blog post with details and a workaround. NIS America also released a new five-minute trailer, which is viewable below.
Trails of Cold Steel III is the third part of the Cold Steel subseries following Trails of Cold Steel and Trails of Cold Steel II, and is part of a wider setting that also includes the Trails in the Sky games. The game is set to be released for PlayStation 4 in North America and Europe on October 22, 2019. Those looking to read more about Trails of Cold Steel III can check out RPGamer’s impressions from E3 and PAX West.
I will DL this demo. I still have 1&2 sitting in the Back-log.