Tagged: Theatrhythm Final Bar Line

Video Round-Up (April 17, 2023)

RPGamer has more video reviews available to watch now. Our latest entries feature Chained Echoes, Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure, Theatrhythm Final Bar Line, 8-Bit Adventures 2, Persona 4 Golden, and Mato Anomalies.

Theatrhythm Final Bar Line Demo Announced

Theatrhythm Final Bar Line launches in a couple of weeks, and Square Enix has given players an opportunity to try it out early. The company also showed some of its DLC and revealed more playable characters.

Theatrhythm Final Bar Line Announced

Final Fantasy music aficionados will be able to play along to their favorite tracks early next year. A new incarnation of Theatrhythm is heading to home consoles next February.