Tagged: G-Mode

Adventure Corner ~ OU

G-Mode and Room6’s OU offers players a curious narrative experience adventure. After going through the game three times, RPGamer’s Michael Baker still isn’t quite sure what to fully make of it but it certainly stuck in his head.

Hero Must Die. Again Review

Designer Shoji Masuda is known for some distinctive titles that have generally only been able to garner attention in Japan. Degica Games is finally giving western RPGamers the chance to check out one such title, the anti-RPG Hero Must Die. Again.

Hero Must Die. Again Receives Launch Trailer

Anti-RPG Hero Must Die. Again is out today on PC and PlayStation 4 with a Nintendo Switch release to follow tomorrow. Publisher Degica Games put out a new launch trailer for the game, which starts after the final boss is vanquished.

Hero Must Die Coming to Steam

Hero Must Die is another title that our man in Japan figured would stay entirely under his remit. That turns out to not be the case as Degica is bringing the game to PC worldwide next year.