Tagged: The Farm 51

Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone Announced

Developer The Farm 51 announced a follow-up to survival horror RPG Chernobylite. Players will be able to return to the Exclusion Zone next year.

Chernobylite Giveaway

To mark the release of survival horror RPG Chernobylite, RPGamer has five Steam codes to give away to lucky readers. Entries close on Sunday so don’t delay.

Chernobylite Introduces Igor

A new trailer is available for Chernobylite ahead of its launch at the end of the month. The video introduces protagonist Igor and his interactions with the Black Stranger.

Chernobylite Receiving Physical PS4 Release

Horror survival RPG Chernobylite is nearing its PC launch, followed by console versions. A new announcement confirms that PlayStation 4 players will even be able to pick up a physical copy of the game.

Chernobylite Enters the Zone in July

Sci-fi survival horror RPG Chernobylite has received a full PC release date. Players can don their hazmat suits and pack their radiation trackers to enter the Pripyat’s Exclusion Zone in late July.

Chernobylite Gets Story Trailer

All in! Games released a story trailer for survival horror RPG Chernobylite. The game is set around the real-life Chernobyl incident and is scheduled to release in the summer.

Chernobylite Releasing in July

After over a year in Early Access, The Farm 51’s sci-fi horror RPG Chernobylite has a full release window. The game will take players to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone on PC and consoles this July.