Tagged: Lost Judgment

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RPG Cast – Episode 607: “Extra Life 2021”

Chris dies a lot. Then some more. Then Kelley explains how digimon are vegan to Chris. Then Sam explains how books work to Chris (with a lot of cursing). Then Josh explains how birthmarks work to Chris. Then Anna Marie explains how cosplaying works to Chris. Then Chris gets dunked on some more by a boss. Then the show ends.

Lost Judgment Review

Lost Judgment is a sequel many of us have been waiting for. But was the rush to hit the worldwide release deadline enough to make it a standout title? We investigate where the game stands, and this review is called to order.

Lost Judgment Out Now

Sega and Ryū ga Gotoku Studio’s Lost Judgment has been released worldwide. The game’s launch, the first simulteaneous worldwide one for the series, comes with a new trailer.

Lost Judgment Additional Content Detailed

Sega detailed the additional content coming to Lost Judgment. A few packs come at or shortly after launch, with an independent story starring Yagami’s partner Kaito coming next year.