THQ Nordic Shows Biomutant, Darksiders III at Gamescom
THQ Nordic has provided new media for both Biomutant and Darksiders III at this week’s Gamescom trade fair in Germany. Each game has received a selection of screenshots and a new trailer, which can be viewed below.
Biomutant is being developed by Experiment 101 and is an open-world RPG combining kung-fu and a post-apocalyptic setting. Players take control of an anthropomorphic animal that can be further customised with special mutations and enhancements. The game is planned for release in 2018 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
Darksiders III is being developed by Gunfire Games will be November 27, 2018, for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. A sequel to the previous two games, the action-adventure RPG follows Fury, the sister of War, as she hunts down the personifications of the Seven Deadly Sins.
Biomutant Screenshots
Biomutant Trailer
Darksiders III Screenshots
Darksiders III Trailer
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