Monster Hunter: World Introduces Some Elder Dragons
Capcom released a new trailer for its upcoming worldwide release of Monster Hunter: World, also announcing a third and final beta for the game on PlayStation 4 as well as some post-launch DLC plans. The three-minute trailer focuses on the Elder Dragon class of monsters, showing the wind-generating Kushala Daora, the fire-spitting Teostra, and the rock-eating Dodogama.
The third beta for the game will take place from January 18 to January 22, 2018. The beta will include the same quests as the previous two betas, where players could take on Great Jagras, Anjanath and Barroth, but will also feature an additional battle against the game’s flagship monster, Nergigante. Finally, Capcom revealed that the first major piece of post-launch content will arrive in spring 2018. The first piece will add in Deviljho, which initially appeared in Monster Hunter 3 and devours everything it can.
Monster Hunter: World is set to launch worldwide for PlayStation4 and Xbox One on January 26, 2018. A PC version is also in development and was recently given a fall 2018 release window.
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