Tagged: Code Vein

Code Vein’s Lord of Thunder DLC Released

Bandai Namco released the third and final part of its Season Pass content for Code Vein. The DLC includes a new area in the Depths and a boss fight against the eponymous Lord of Thunder.

Code Vein DLC Set for Early 2020

RPGamers waiting for DLC for Code Vein will have to wait a little bit longer. Bandai Namco revealed that the first three pieces, included in the Season Pass, will be released in early 2020.

Code Vein Teases Two New Bosses

Code Vein is out soon and people are expecting some good boss fights come release. Two new trailers should offer a glimpse of what’s in store.

Code Vein Visits Spa Ahead of Demo Release

Trying to survive in the world of Code Vein is an unforgiving task, but fortunately the game includes a spa where its characters can get some much needed relaxation. A demo is also now available to help Revenants prepare for the full challenge later this month.

Code Vein Knows Jack

Jack Rutherford may seem like a plain name, but it’s unlikely anyone who can survive in the world of Code Vein is plain. Who knows if he’ll be a powerful asset or a deadly foe?

Code Vein Gets More Screenshots

Bandai Namco has followed up its release date announcement with new screenshots for Code Vein. The new images show the default player character in multiple stages of combat.

Code Vein Gets September Date

After its previous delays, Bandai Namco has announced a firm release date for Code Vein. The game will launch this September, with a new E3 trailer released to go along with the news.

Code Vein Injected with Gameplay Video

After a delay, the new game from the team behind God Eater is set for a 2019 release. New gameplay footage shows off bosses, weapon variety, combat partners, and the character creator.

Code Vein Network Test Announced

A few months short of a year after announcing a delay to the game’s release, Bandai Namco appears ready to show off Code Vein once more. The company announced a network test will be taking place this month, with sign-ups currently underway.