Tagged: Call of Cthulhu

Call of Cthulhu Comes to Switch

A year after its initial launch on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, Call of Cthulhu is now out on Nintendo Switch. Players can now take Edward Pierce with them to investigate the deaths of the Hawkins family.

Nintendo Direct Provides Many RPG Announcements

Nintendo held a Direct presentation today chock-full of RPGs. Headlines include Switch versions for Xenoblade Chronicles, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, and Divinity: Original Sin II, plus a release date for Game Freak’s Little Town Hero, a new demo for Daemon X Machina, and some more Pokémon Sword and Shield features.

Whatcha Playing: June 2019

Whatcha Playing is back to round up the games the staff has been playing in June. There are a couple of different forms of Dragon Quest being played while Call of Cthulhu, Phantom Dust, and Cadence of Hyrule are vying for staff gaming time.

Call of Cthulhu Prepares for Launch

Focus Home Interactive and Cyanide Studio’s adaptation of Call of Cthulhu releases tomorrow. The game’s launch trailer helps set the supernatural mood.

Call of Cthulhu Ups the Insanity

The stars have almost reached full alignment as Call of Cthulhu goes gold. A new trailer will help deliver a little taste of the madness to come.

Call of Cthulhu Reveals Gameplay at Gamescom

Like many eldritch mysteries, Call of Cthulhu’s gameplay was hidden just out of sight. However, the veil has now been pulled back just a bit for a glimpse of the madness within.

Call of Cthulhu E3 Impression

Call of Cthulhu has revived from the depths and looks like a real game, complete with all the creepy implications that come with a Lovecraftian tale. Please roll for a sanity check before checking our impression.

Cyanide Studios Offers Some Call of Cthulhu Insights

During E3, RPGamer’s Charalampos Papdimitriou had the chance to chat with a pair of developers from Cyanide Studios regarding its upcoming horror RPG Call of Cthulhu. Players will begin their eldritch investigations later this year.