How Modern Pixel-Art RPGs Shine
Gaming nostalgia isn’t a new thing. That said, modernized pixel-art titles aren’t just a blast from the past since many add once-futuristic visuals to the mix, creating a truly unforgettable look and feel.
Gaming nostalgia isn’t a new thing. That said, modernized pixel-art titles aren’t just a blast from the past since many add once-futuristic visuals to the mix, creating a truly unforgettable look and feel.
A role-playing game can absolutely win Game of the Year at The Game Awards. Doing so ensures outstanding prestige, which promotes the overall value of this rich and rewarding genre.
How did players enjoy RPGs long ago with 2D sprites and few colors? The magic spell that bedazzles RPGamers might be more than meets the eye.
When level grinding in an RPG grinds players to the ground, they shouldn’t beat themselves up for feeling beat down. Players should know it’s okay to not finish a game and that the five-hour rule can help start one that may otherwise seem risky.
Life is like a package of supermarket sushi. You might know what you’d like to get, but there will always be that one item in the corner of the box that you just don’t like. Will it be eel? Fish eggs? Eggplant? When the right ingredients come together, most anything is possible, even if we don’t have to like the results.
Upcoming Pokémon Legends: Arceus is set to showcase the series’ first fully open-world game. Will the pivot be fraught with peril or full of potential?
Have you ever felt disappointed when you defeat the final boss and then the true final boss appears? A winning strategy for both developers and players means there must be a clear path to such a plot-twist.
A fan of Final Fantasy ventures on a Dragon Quest and becomes a convert. His problem now is deciding which will be his next slimy adventure.
After giving ourselves a week to digest everything, some RPGamer staff members have picked out their favourites from Summer Game Fest and E3’s showcases. We hope you enjoy reading about our picks and invite readers to share theirs.
Imagine one of the most beloved 16-bit era RPGs remade with one of the most bedazzling game styles today. It would be dancing madness if Final Fantasy VI Remake didn’t become a reality soon.
Rote fetch quests for mere loot are bland. The ideal sidequest should enhance an RPG’s main story with savory immersion, letting players connect more deeply with the game.
When considering new battle systems, it’s safe to say that finding a good one is comforting. But finding a great battle system requires bravely leaving one’s comfortable starting town and venturing on a heroic quest into the unknown.
World-saving adventure has three essential ingredients, all of which can be found in 2014’s Dragon Age: Inquisition. Players might take them for granted, however.
It’s always interesting to look back at games that shaped you as a gamer and for Erik van Asselt this certainly is one of those games. Take a trip down memory lane with him and discover the secrets of the Sword Coast.
God of War isn’t an RPG, but it takes a lot of elements from the genre, especially story development. Jervon played through it as an RPGamer and found himself analyzing his own relationship with his estranged father.
JRPG Study Time is a series where we explore the vast world of JRPGs and how they have evolved. This time, we take a look at one of the genre’s most accomplished modern titles, Persona 5 Royal.
Being a niche gamer can be a lonely endeavor. Jervon explores the beauty and frustrations of it and how Phantasy Star Online 2 is challenging his preconceived notions of friendships, personal fulfillment, and moving on
JRPG Study Time is a new series where we explore the vast world of JRPGs and how they have evolved. We start with a look at the title that laid the technical and narrative ground work for many games to come.
The Yo-kai Watch series is the perfect complement to lounging by the pool or avoiding mass infection. Slow down, whip out that stylus, and look under some vending machines.
In this article Erik van Asselt looks at the recent much anticipated remake of Final Fantasy VII. And he finds out it is not his cup of tea.
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