Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Fifth Title Update Releasing This Week
Capcom announced that Free Title Update 5 for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak will release on April 20, 2023, on PC and Nintendo Switch. The update adds two new monsters to the game: Risen Shagaru Magala and Amatsu, aka the Looming Calamity. Amatsu is an Elder Dragon able to control the weather and is unlocked at MR10, while Risen Shagaru Magala will be available at MR180.
In addition, the update will increase the Anomaly Investigations level cap, while two Risen Elder Dragons will be added to Anomaly Research Quests. There will also be an update to the Melding Pot, new Special Investigations, and more event Quests.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is an expansion to Monster Hunter Rise and released for PC and Nintendo Switch in June 2022. Sunbreak includes a new storyline, as well as new locations, new monsters, a new quest rank, and new gameplay features. It will also release on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S on April 28, 2023, including all post-release content up to Free Title Update 3 (Ver.13) at launch. Those looking to read more about Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak can check out Phil Willis’s review.
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