Metal Max Xeno: Reborn Gets New Trailer and Reversible Cover
Developer Kadokawa Games has released a new trailer for Metal Max Xeno: Reborn, the remake of the 2018 RPG Metal Max Xeno. It also announced “Tank, Dog, and Human RPG Metal Max 29th Birthday Celebration,” a live stream look back of the series’ history that will air May 24, 2020, which can be viewed through YouTube or Niconico.
Metal Max Xeno: Reborn is scheduled to launch in Japan on July 9, 2020, for Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4. The remake is still set in a post-apocalyptic setting, but Reborn will have a brand new engine along with changes made to other systems and dungeons. First-print copies of the game will include a special reversible cover that honors the series’ origins. These copies will also include the “Dystokio Survival Textbook”, a 100-plus page book that has information on monsters, vehicles, weapons, and arms in the game.
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