Neptunia x Senran Kagura: Ninja Wars Releasing on Switch in April
Idea Factory International revealed an April Switch release date for Neptunia x Senran Kagura: Ninja Wars. A Steam release date will follow soon.
Idea Factory International revealed an April Switch release date for Neptunia x Senran Kagura: Ninja Wars. A Steam release date will follow soon.
Compile Heart released a new Japanese trailer for Hyperdimension Neptunia: Sisters vs. Sisters. The video shows the game’s real-time combat system in action.
Compile Heart provided new details and media for Hyperdimension Neptunia: Sisters vs. Sisters. The update provides information on the game’s real-time combat system.
The Ninja Wars between Neptunia and Senran Kagura are spreading to new platforms. Idea Factory International and Compile Heart are bringing the crossover to PC and Switch in spring.
Compile Heart unveiled its latest title in the Neptunia series. Hyperdimenion Neptunia: Sisters vs. Sisters stars the four younger sisters and will launch in Japan in April.
Ahead of its release next week, Idea Factory International put out a new trailer for Neptunia x Senran Kagura: Ninja Wars. The video is accompanied by details about the Peaches & Cream Meditation mini-game and introductions to four more characters.
The Neptunia and Senran Kagura crossover is releasing in North America and Europe this month. To gear players up, Idea Factory International released its opening movie and some combat screenshots.
Idea Factory International revealed dates for Neptunia and Senran Kagura’s Ninja Wars. The crossover will hit PS4 in North America and Europe at the end of next month.
During its Online Summer Festival livestream, Idea Factory International made multiple announcements. The Neptunia and Senran Kagura spin-off and Death end re;Quest 2’s Switch version are heading west, while Mary Skelter FInale gets a release date.
Compile Heart released a new Japanese trailer for Senran Nin Nin Ninja Taisen Neptune: Shoujo-tachi no Kyouen. The Neptunia and Senran Kagura crossover hits PS4 in Japan this August.
The newest version of the first Neptunia game is out now in North America. Neptunia ReVerse is available in the region on PS5, with its European release following tomorrow.
New DLC is available for Neptunia Virtual Stars on PS4. Players can add VTubers Kizuna AI and Towa Kiseki to the playable roster.
Idea Factory International unveiled its Limited Edition for Neptunia ReVerse. The edition will be available to pre-order from next week.
Compile Heart released the first media for its upcoming Neptunia and Senran Kagura crossover. The game will launch in Japan this August.
Compile Heart’s Neptunia and Senran Kagura crossover has a Japan release date. The game will launch for PlayStation 4 in August.
The goddesses are back for another spin-off. Neptunia Virtual Stars sees them getting involved with the creation of content with the help of numerous VTubers.
Compile Heart revealed the latest Neptunia crossover. The goddesses will be teaming up with the shinobi of Senran Kagura in Japan this year.
The latest version of the first game in the Neptunia series has a western release date. Neptunia ReVerse will release for PS5 in a few months.
Idea Factory International released the opening movie for Neptunia Virtual Stars. The idol-themed spin-off releases for PS4 and PC in March.
Idea Factory International provided some more English media and details for Neptunia Virtual Stars. The update primarily covers the game’s BeatTik rhythm mini-game.
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