Tagged: Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 Commander Lilith DLC Available on Switch

Switch owners can now get hold of the fifth major DLC for Borderlands 2. The DLC is free for owners of the Borderlands: Legendary Collection or Borderlands: The Handsome Collection for the next month.

Whatcha Playing: June 2019

Whatcha Playing is back to round up the games the staff has been playing in June. There are a couple of different forms of Dragon Quest being played while Call of Cthulhu, Phantom Dust, and Cadence of Hyrule are vying for staff gaming time.

Gearbox Announces Borderlands 3

The original looter shooter returns. On April 3, fans will get the first official information regarding the next installment in the series, as well as complete and upgraded collections of all three previous iterations.

Borderlands 2 PC Retroview

On the world of Pandora, many mysteries abound amid colorful characters galore. Excessive thought is unnecessary though, when simply shooting things in the face gets the job done fast.
Like Rats – shoot them for sure.

Borderlands 2 Vita Review

When you take one of the best RPGs from 2012 and shrink it down to a handheld, there’s a lot that could happen. Thankfully, all of the best parts of Borderlands 2 made the transition.

Borderlands 2 PC Review

Just so you know, we may have ripped this review from the hands of a dead adventurer. Full disclosure and all that.