Cris Tales Demo Released on Consoles
Modus Games has released a console demo for Dreams Uncorporated and SYCK’s Cris Tales. The demo, also available on PC, is now available to download on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. It includes a look at the game’s Colosseum battle mode, where players take on eight waves of increasingly challenging fights before taking on a mini-boss at the end.
Cris Tales is billed as a love letter to classic JRPGs and will release for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Google Stadia, with PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X versions to follow at a later date. The game features a strategic turn-based combat system and aims to let players look into the past, act in the present, and watch as those actions change the future using protagonist Crisbell’s time-affecting abilities. Those looking to read more about Cris Tales can check out Pascal Tekaia’s impression from E3 2019 as well as Alex Fuller’s impression from a guided demonstration last month.
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