Monster Hunter: World Day One Patch Detailed

Capcom has released details concerning the Day One update for Monster Hunter: World. Coming in at the 815MB, the patch will activate the game’s online functionalities, introduce the player’s My House room service, add a Gallery mode that will allow for the viewing of previously seen cutscenes, and adds Poogie — a cuddly companion to befriend — to the Research Commission HQ. Additional languages will be added to the game as text though there are no plans to add more voiced languages.

Future updates include the monster Deviljho in spring 2018. Regular missions, events, and collaborations will also arrive post-launch. Finally, paid cosmetic DLC — including emotes, face paint, and stamps — will be arriving further in the post-release timeline.

Monster Hunter: World is the first title in the series designed for high definition consoles and launches on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on January 26, 2018. A PC version will arrive later in the year in fall 2018.

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