Tagged: The Swords of Ditto

The Swords of Ditto Coming to Switch This Week

Devolver Digital and onebitbeyond’s The Swords of Ditto is coming to Nintendo Switch. The Switch version will include content from the new Mormo’s Curse update, which is coming for free to its existing PC and PS4 versions.

The Swords of Ditto Review

Life is hard on the island of Ditto, what with infestations of monsters and an evil witch who generally enjoys making the inhabitants suffer. Don’t worry: if you fail to put an end to Mormo’s dastardly reign, it’s the innocent island dwellers who are punished with a century of misery, not you.

The Swords of Ditto Out Today

Cooperative action RPG The Sword of Ditto arrives today on PC and PS4. Though particular heroes may not be successful, fortunately there is always another waiting in the wings.