Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma Reveals Its Bachelors and Bachelorettes
Marvelous revealed the eligible bachelors and bachelorettes in Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma. Players will be able to get to know them when the game launches in May.
Marvelous revealed the eligible bachelors and bachelorettes in Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma. Players will be able to get to know them when the game launches in May.
Marvelous announced a release date for Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma. Players will take on the role of an Earth Dancer in late May.
We enter another year stacked full of exciting upcoming releases. The RPGamer staff picked out some of the highlights they are looking forward to in 2025 (and likely beyond).
Marvelous officially revealed Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma, previously known as Project Dragon. The latest title in the action RPG and life sim series will arrive in spring of next year.
Marvelous held its second annual game showcase. The presentation featured looks at upcoming titles including Farmagia, a new Story of Seasons, and Rune Factory: Project Dragon.
A decade-old entry in the Rune Factory series receives a port to modern systems. A little bit of spit and polish help an already excellent title shine a bit brighter.
XSEED Games and Marvelous released a new trailer for September’s Rune Factory 3 Special. The video introduces the eleven bachelorettes that player character Micah can form a relationship with.
Marvelous held its inaugural Marvelous Game Showcase presentation. It features the reveal of multiple new titles, including a new IP, multiple Story of Seasons and Rune Factory games, and a sequel to Daemon X Machina.
XSEED Games announced a limited physical edition for Rune Factory 3 Special in North America. The Golden Memories Edition will be available through the publisher’s store and participating retailers.
XSEED Games and Marvelous Europe announced a western release date for Rune Factory 3 Special. The remaster for the Nintendo DS title will hit PC and Switch in September.
Marvelous announced that Rune Factory 3’s Switch remaster will hit Japan in March. A western release date has not yet been announced but shouldn’t be too far behind.
XSEED Games and Marvelous revealed new remasters for titles in the BokujÅ Monogatari/Story of Seasons and Rune Factory series. Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life and Rune Factory 3 Special will release on Switch next year.
XSEED Games and Marvelous have announced a PC release for farming sim and action RPG hybrid Rune Factory 5. The game will release via Steam...
With the release of Rune Factory 5, RPGamer has decided to share a retrospective about the series for newcomers and veterans alike. Take a trip down memory lane and see how the series has evolved since 2006.
Marvelous has revived the Rune Factory series after nine long years. Despite some intermittent graphical issues, Rune Factory 5 will live up to the publisher’s name for many.
XSEED Games released a pair of trailers showing Rune Factory 5’s eligible marriage candidates. The videos come with the reveal of much of the game’s English voice cast.
RPGamer recently got a couple hours of hands-on time with Rune Factory 5. Marvelous does a great job faithfully reviving the series while making some small improvements along the way.
Rune Factory 5 hits North America and Europe this March. A new English story trailer gives players a quick introduction to its premise.
Rune Factory 4 Special is arriving on more platforms in just over a month. The PC, PS4, and Xbox One versions will come with the Another Episode DLC included.
XSEED Games unveiled Rune Factory 5’s limited physical Earthmate Edition. The latest title in theĀ BokujÅ Monogatari spin-off series launches in the west in March.
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