God Eater 3 2.30 Patch Trailer Highlights Phym’s New Story Episode
God Eater 3’s version 2.30 update hits this week. Bandai Namco put out a new trailer focusing on its main addition, a new story episode featuring the character Phym.
God Eater 3’s version 2.30 update hits this week. Bandai Namco put out a new trailer focusing on its main addition, a new story episode featuring the character Phym.
The latest update for Bandai Namco’s God Eater 3 hits next week. The update will include Lulu and Ricardo’s extra story chapters, plus a New Game Plus mode and an option to change the background music.
Bandai Namco has detailed some of the additions coming in a new set of updates to God Eater 3. These updates will include new story content, with its first chapter focusing on the character Claire.
Bandai Namco’s action RPG God Eater 3 is out now on Switch. The game is available physically and digitally, with those wanting to try it out first able to check out a free demo version.
God Eater 3’s 1.30 patch is now live. The update includes a new post-game story chapter, as well as new Aragami to face and a ocuple of new NPCs to fight with.
God Eater is returning to handhelds as God Eater 3 heads to Switch in July. In addition to announcing the Switch version, Bandai Namco provided some details on the upcoming 1.30 update for the PC and PS4 versions.
God Eater 3 is getting a free update today. Among other things, the version 1.20 patch adds a new Aragami and more customisation options.
Bandai Namco’s God Eater series returns with a new entry. The Aragami-hunting exploits of Fenrir are over, and it’s time to see if Gleipnir proves as strong.
God Eater 3 is out now in North America and Europe. Bandai Namco marked the launch with a new trailer as well as a message from producer Yusuke Tomizawa.
God Eater 3 is just a couple of weeks away from release in North America and Europe. Bandai Namco has a new trailer showing a few of its features.
A new trailer for February’s God Eater 3 focuses on its multipalyer offerings. Players can take their customised characters into four-player or eight-player missions.
Bandai Namco has released the opening movie for its new game God Eater 3. The title is slated for a release in North America and Europe on February 8, 2019, for the PlayStation 4 and PC.
God Eater 3 releases this week in Japan, with its western release coming in February. A new story trailer gives an introduction to its premise and key characters.
More details and images for God Eater 3 have appeared in the wake of its opening movie. In addition to detailing Burst Arts, Bandai Namco also introduced the mysterious but important character Phym.
Following the reveal of its theme song, Bandai Namco has released the opening movie for God Eater 3. The game arrives in Japan next month before coming west in February.
Bandai Namco has released a trailer in Japan for the upcoming game God Eater 3. The game is due out in Japan in December before releasing internationally in February.
God Eater 3 now has a specific date for its western launch. The game will be hitting PS4 and PC in February, with a new English story trailer also unveiled.
With God Eater 3 less than two months away from release in Japan, Bandai Namco has some more details and images. The new details focus on a few story elements and the game’s new five-minute, eight-player Assault Missions.
With Japanese RPGamers able to check out God Eater 3’s demo, Bandai Namco has announced a new feature. The game will let eight players team up online and take on a special mission.
Bandai Namco has provided some new details and images for God Eater 3. The new details primarily concern Caravans, including the Chrysanthemum that will become the player’s base of operations.
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