Tagged: DotEmu

Metal Slug Tactics Review

There’s always something commendable about trying something new with a beloved franchise. Leikir Studio’s Metal Slug Tactics provides a wonderfully fresh take on tactical RPGs, but does a short roguelike gameplay loop outweigh the positives?

Metal Slug Tactics Beginning Operations in November

DotEmu and Leikir Studio revealed that Metal Slug Tactics is launching in just a couple of weeks. The tactical RPG spin-off to the side-scrolling run-and-gun series will be available on PC and all current consoles.

Metal Slug Tactics Discusses New Angle

The development team behind Metal Slug Tactics, Leikir Studio, sat down in a new video to talk about its upcoming title. The developers reveal how they turned the iconic run-and-gun series into a roguelite tactical RPG.

SNK and DotEmu Announce Metal Slug Tactics

The pixelated warfare series Metal Slug jumps into the tactical waters with its latest installment, Metal Slug Tactics. RPGamers won’t need to jump on any grenades, but will need to wait on a solid release window.

Ys Origin Review

The Nintendo Switch is only the latest of numerous consoles that Ys Origin has graced. Despite the game’s age, it’s worth a visit to ancient Ys history.

Ys Origin Coming to Switch

Ys Origin, the prequel to the action RPG series, is coming to Switch. The game will launch on the console later this year, with RPGamers in North America able to pre-order physical editions from tomorrow.