Category: RPG Cast


RPGCast – Episode 499: “Kung Fu Maids”

It’s the final countdown! Chris and Anna Marie are joined by regular Kelley and irregular Jonathan, who always brings interesting games and hardware to discuss. April Fool’s just passed, and several companies got silly. We also considered piles of feedback in the Question of the Week. We’ll miss you all, see you in six weeks.

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RPGCast – Episode 493: “Skunk Trapper”

You won’t get skunked this week with a full-fledged RPGCast! We dissect the recent Nintendo Direct (BOWSER IS TAKING OVER), discuss our Now Playing (with a love-hate CompileHeart relationship), and have a heavy dose of fun feedback.


RPGCast – Episode 491: “But I’m 18!”

So this is actually Episode 491 because “Game Of The Year” was 490. After the show, Anna Marie and Chris got Taco Bell. Johnathan got distracted from his review. Josh got arrested by the feds. And Alex got the worst punishment of all, more Kingdom Hearts.


RPGCast – “Game Of The Year 2018”

It’s time for way too many people to get on a Skype call and debate the following. How much is Wheels is wrong? What decade will the Final Fantasy VII remake will come out? And most importantly, what did we do to deserve Metal Max Xeno and The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2?