RPG Cast – Episode 741: “Make A The Rum!”

Today’s cast gets dangerously close to a patent law cast as Chris finds a new pirate game to ignore. Kelley wants truck-kun to be isekai’d into a person. And Josh asks, “What do you get from petting the bear?” No one answers.

Question of the Week
What RPG could be improved with the addition of pirates?

Check out the show notes here!

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3 Responses

  1. plattym3 plattym3 says:

    I would love to see a Pirate-themed Etrian Odyssey. It’s been FOREVER since we’ve seen new Etrian, and a game that calls back to the sea exploration of the third game combined with the Pirate’s innate need to dig for treasure would be amazing. Let the Stratums be on different islands that you’re led to discover on the overworld like Etrian Odyssey IV and let’s get this a(rrrrrr)mazing series back on track with a Pirate-themed game for Switch Two!

  2. I’m trying thinking of a series I enjoy that doesn’t already have pirates in at least one game… Maybe the Pokémon series? Team Aqua in Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, and the remakes dress like pirates but don’t really act like them. Maybe there can be a Pokémon Legends game that features a precursor to Team Aqua that are actually pirates.

  3. Krull Krull says:

    Live a Live should have had a pirate section. If Squenix ever did a sequel, the high seas would be a great option. But let’s face it: every game is improved by pirates. So I pick Tetris.

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