RPG Cast – Episode 754: “15 Things You Missed in the Switch 2 Trailer”

Kelley tries to catch Worf in Pokémon: The Next Generation. Josh got a case of the stink-Ys. And Chris gets an official ruling on the definition of “Isekai.”

Question of the Week
What types of games are you looking forward to on the Switch 2?

Check out the show notes here!

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3 Responses

  1. Rockygold94 Rockygold94 says:

    I don’t need to listen first to know that this podcast will not be filled with hours dull conjecture based on a dull 2 minite vide of an inanimate object. Thank you! Glad you’re back for the new year

  2. Shaymin Shaymin says:

    There were two reasons why they ran the Switch 2 video now instead of April: it gives 3rd party publishers cover to announce they have projects for the platform instead of talking around it, and shareholders were promised details on the Switch successor before the end of the current fiscal year in March. So if you want to blame anything, blame capitalism.

    For the question of the week, I guess I look forward to the continuation of the genres that have really done well on the original – adventure games and RPGs.

  3. I’m looking forward to games on the Switch 2 that I enjoyed on the original Switch, mainly RPGs. For a more specific game I’m hoping to see, is a remake of Fire Emblem: Geneology of the Holy War, the fourth game in the series that was never localized before. I’m still surprised that it hasn’t come out yet.

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