Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising Gets Gameplay Footage

505 Games and IGN released a new gameplay video for Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising. The video from IGN features community manager Stephen Takowski, who talks through almost half an hour of footage from the companion title to tactical RPG Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, covering a variety of elements.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is a town-creation action RPG being developed by Natsume-Atari and was funded as a stretch goal in Eiyduen Chronicle: Hundred Heroes’ original Kickstarter campaign. Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is being developed by Rabbit & Bear Studios, with the development team being led by Suikoden series creator Yoshitaka Murayama. It is set in the world of Allraan, with its history shaped by magical items called rune-lenses. Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is set to release for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S in 2022, with Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes following on those same platforms in 2023.



Alex Fuller

Alex joined RPGamer in 2011 as a Previewer before moving onto Reviews, News Director, and Managing Editor. Became Acting Editor-in-Chief in 2018.

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2 Responses

  1. Xoco Xoco says:

    About time we get more info about this game. I’m hyped.

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