RPG Cast – Episode 591: “Save the Baby? Eat the Baby?”

Alex, Anna Marie, Chris, and Kelley come together to discuss the news of the week. #JRPGJuly is well underway for everyone on the cast. Anna Marie makes every evil choice she can. Alex dives into Anime: The Game. Chris shouldn’t be playing Elder Scrolls Online because his arm hurts, and yet he still is? Meanwhile, we lost Kelley somewhere in the wastelands when she wandered off to hug all the monsties.

Question of the Week
Will you be buying and/or playing Monster Hunter Stories 2?

Check out the show notes here!

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4 Responses

  1. plattym3 plattym3 says:

    Yes, I’ll be playing Monster Hunter Stories 2. It was one of my favorite 3DS games & that’s despite me never enjoying a MH game before. With the announcement of the free DLC though, I’m going to wait to get this game after a price drop and once the free stuff is out. The free content additions made me cancel my preorder. Once I roll credits on a game, I put it in the ebay pile, so I’ll wait for this to be mostly content complete before starting.

  2. FeatherHoof FeatherHoof says:

    Short Answer: Yes
    Long answer: Hell yes!
    Got my collector’s edition pre-ordered and ready to go, and hopefully by the time you’re reading this on air I’ll have bought the other two Amiibo as well (although, admittedly, my hopes aren’t high). Looking forward to live streaming MHS2 so very very much as soon as possible! (over at twitch.tv/featherhoof) 😁

    • FeatherHoof FeatherHoof says:

      Scratch that! My hopes have shifted from not high to very high because I was there on GameStop’s website (refreshing every hour on the hour) and was able to snag the other two Amiibo when they went live at 10 a.m. EST on July 9th 😁

  3. bobbywatson bobbywatson says:

    QOTW: Yes… eventually. I just started playing the first game, and I’m enjoying it quite a bit, but I don’t expect to get to the sequel for quite some time.

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