Tagged: Yakuza: Like a Dragon

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RPG Cast – Episode 565: “Whiskers on Raindrops”

Kelley mounts her fox onto a fox to go for a walk with her foxes. Robert breaks his keyboard. Anna Marie drinks the Kool-Aid. Chris is singing about Death Tales, awooo-oo. And Josh vapes with his Xbox. Regardless, they all agree that you should not play Operation Darkness.

Yakuza: Like a Dragon Review

A new protagonist appears! Move over Kazuma Kiryu because Kasuga Ichiban has stolen the spotlight! Yakuza: Like a Dragon has a new kid in town, but is he ready to take on the reins of becoming the next dragon?

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RPG Cast – Episode 563: “Isn’t Compile Heart Jail Against the Geneva Convention?”

We can’t believe we have to say this, but this week Chris tries to understand water vapor. Anna Marie takes a week off to go date some demons. Josh frequents a sex shop to pick up some weapons. Pascal starts vaping in his Xbox. And Robert and Kelley are testing the jiggle physics of sacks in World of Warcraft.

Yakuza: Like a Dragon Rises in the West

The latest Yakuza title is now available in North America and Europe. RPGamers can join forces with new protagonist Ichiban Kasuga and his allies in a new turn-based combat system.

Sega Streams Yakuza: Like a Dragon Gameplay

Sega showed off plenty of gameplay for Yakuza: Like a Dragon in a two-hour livestream. The stream utilised the game’s Xbox Series X version, which will launch alongside most other platforms this November.

Yakuza: Like a Dragon Impression

A brand new Yakuza game — complete with new protagonist, location, and combat — hits North America and Europe next month. RPGamer was given the opportunity to check out what lies in store in Yokohama’s Isezaki Ijincho district.

Yakuza: Like a Dragon Release Dates Updated

Sega has updated the western release date for Yakuza: Like a Dragon, aligning most of its platforms to the same date. The publisher also revealed the game’s minimum and recommend PC specs.

Xbox Series X, S Launch Date Revealed

Microsoft has announced a cheaper, disc-less version of the Xbox Series X, the Xbox Series S. The reveal of the consoles’ release date was followed swiftly by release date updates for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, and The Falconeer.