Backloggin’ the Year – Scar’s Streaming Escapades, September-December 2021
Ryan Radcliff and his retro Backloggin’ report concludes 2021 with a RPG completion bang! The Random Retro RPG Wheel looks to continue to spin well in 2022…and beyond!
Ryan Radcliff and his retro Backloggin’ report concludes 2021 with a RPG completion bang! The Random Retro RPG Wheel looks to continue to spin well in 2022…and beyond!
Ryan Radcliff and his retro Backloggin’ report return to detail the second four month stint of the yearly progress. The Random Retro RPG Wheel has produced countless memories, both fond and embarrassing.
Ryan Radcliff jumps into the Backloggin’ report fracas with the first four months of progress with the Retro Wheel of RPGs, Scar also reveals how it’s trying to kill him with alcohol, and what awaits our hero in the future.
This week, Alex and Anna Marie can talk about their embargoed games, Peter finishes a game, and Chris worries about his cats. Kelley’s question of the week leads us down rabbit holes we probably shouldn’t have explored, but we’re doing it live and that’s how we roll.
It involves unusual names for otherwise-ordinary creatures, the collection of artifacts to enable travel elsewhere, and one of Nintendo’s most well-regarded series. Join us in...
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