Star Ocean: A Retrospective
The Star Ocean series has quite the legacy. In our next Retrospective, we will aim to share where we think the best starting point is for anyone curious about this beloved franchise.
The Star Ocean series has quite the legacy. In our next Retrospective, we will aim to share where we think the best starting point is for anyone curious about this beloved franchise.
The very first Harvest Moon game is now on the Nintendo Switch Online subscription service. The first game in the framing sim series originally release on Super Nintendo in the late ’90s.
Ryan Radcliff and his retro Backloggin’ report details the first half journey through the many SNES RPGs on his streams. The Random Retro RPG Wheel has a bevy of RPGs for the twitch viewers viewing pleasure.
Ryan Radcliff and his retro Backloggin’ report concludes 2021 with a RPG completion bang! The Random Retro RPG Wheel looks to continue to spin well in 2022…and beyond!
Ryan Radcliff and his retro Backloggin’ report return to detail the second four month stint of the yearly progress. The Random Retro RPG Wheel has produced countless memories, both fond and embarrassing.
Ryan Radcliff jumps into the Backloggin’ report fracas with the first four months of progress with the Retro Wheel of RPGs, Scar also reveals how it’s trying to kill him with alcohol, and what awaits our hero in the future.
In this installment of Why Did Ya Date Me? RPGamer staff discuss the merits of who is the best waifu in Dragon Quest V. Is it Bianca? Debora? Nera? Let’s find out.
The iconic Final Fantasy V baddie may behave like a Saturday morning cartoon villain, but that doesn’t mean he should be named like one. Here’s a case for and the history behind a cooler and more appropriate name.
In Japan it’s called Mother, while for North America it’s called Earthbound. Either way, Shigesato Itoi’s series is unique and worth some discussion.
Once upon a time, a Dream Team of RPG talent created something called Chrono Trigger. Years later, a sequel called Chrono Cross made its way onto store shelves. The tale of these two titles is told today.
It was a time when relatively few RPGs crossed the Pacific, and not all of those that did were memorable. For our 200th episode, talking about the most operatic Final Fantasy on the Super Nintendo just seemed like a great idea — and it was.
Well they say the sky’s the limit, and you know that’s really true, but my friend you have seen nothin’, just wait ’til I get through! Because I’m bad, I’m bad, and the whole world has to answer right now just to tell you once again – who’s bad….
Time and Again
Draconian methods of warfare
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