Tagged: EA

Anthem Gets Pre-Launch Demo

EA and BioWare have revealed that there will be a demo for Anthem ahead of its launch available to certain players. In addition, a new trailer looks to highlight the link between its online shared-world and individuals’ narratives.

BioWare Shows Twenty-Minute Anthem Demo

Fresh off its appearance at EA Play, the publisher’s E3-adjunct event, BioWare has provided a demonstration video of the game. Four developers team up to take on the game’s “Scars & Villainy” mission.

Anthem Release Date, Further Details Revealed

BioWare’s Anthem was the game that received the most attention during the EA Play press conference. Three of the game’s developers took some time to talk about the game’s features and show off some new footage.

Mass Effect: Andromeda Review

Fortunately, the Andromeda Initiative chose a bit more than two of every species to go out in its arks to our neighbouring galaxy. The hostile Heleus Cluster does its best to reduce those numbers, however.

Dragon Age: Origins PC Retroview

Get ready to talk and kill your way across the nation of Ferelden in a BioWare title with plenty of information to digest. Doing so is certain to prompt some amusing conversations and situations.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Review

If you’re in the mood to massacre venomous spiders, battle vicious trolls, and slaughter helpless boxes, Reckoning gives you plenty of ways to do that. Come and see if this fate is for you.

Dragon Age II PC Review

We at RPGamer love BioWare games. Just look at our end of year award features for quick proof. While the blood and guts and boobs and butts were more prevalent in Origins, we found Dragon Age 2 to be the more shallow, vapid game.

Dragon Age II Xbox 360 Review

So it came to pass that the Champion of Kirkwall did a whole bunch of totally epic stuff and exploded a bunch of bad guys into pasty red bits. And there was much rejoicing.

Dragon Age: Origins Xbox 360 Review

Grey Wardens get no rest, and neither do those playing Dragon Age: Origins. If you haven’t begun your quest to try and stop the Blight just yet, this review might help to recruit you.

Dragon Age: Origins Xbox 360 Review

RPGamer returns to Ferelden in this second take on BioWare’s latest RPG epic. Another Grey Warden has stepped up to defeat the darkspawn, but did he enjoy the journey as much as the last?