Tagged: Dragon Quest Builders

RPG Backtrack 224: Slimecraft

What happens when Japan’s most popular RPG decides to mimic the world’s most popular sandbox game? Find out along with guests Robert Albright and Anna Marie Privitere as we mine some slimes and craft a castle or two!

Dragon Quest Builders 2 PC Demo Now Available

Dragon Quest Builders 2 is coming to PC via Steam next week. Those wanting to start their building adventure early can jump into the newly-released demo version.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 Heads to Steam

Dragon Quest Builders 2 is heading Steam. The PC version of the game, which sees players rebuilding the world of Dragon Quest II, will be available in less than a month’s time.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 Review

Dragon Quest Builders gleaned a lot from Minecraft, but the sequel Dragon Quest Builders 2 takes the offshoot series to a whole new level. Do the new additions and improvements make this a worthy successor?

Whatcha Playing: June 2019

Whatcha Playing is back to round up the games the staff has been playing in June. There are a couple of different forms of Dragon Quest being played while Call of Cthulhu, Phantom Dust, and Cadence of Hyrule are vying for staff gaming time.

RPG Elements: 30 Years of Toriyama

Welcome back to RPG Elements, the corner of RPGamer where we take a look at select merchandise related to the RPGs we love. Kicking off Volume 2 of the column, we take a look at three decades’ worth of Akira Toriyama’s contributions to the seminal Dragon Quest franchise.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 Brings Puzzles

Dragon Quest Builders 2’s Occulm Island holds many secrets. One is the presence of Builder Puzzles, special construction challenges for players to solve. Another is the ability to construct an actual bar in order to slake your workforce’s thirst.