Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

Effectively a remake of Fire Emblem Gaiden, the second game in the series released only in Japan in 1992. Contains many unique aspects for the series, such as exploration, towns, and dungeons.

Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Review

A continent divided in half between those who indulge pleasure centers nonstop and those who ceaselessly strive to root out any signs of weakness was bound to have problems. It should surprise no one that conflict is the means of resolution. Jedah is no fun.

Game Content
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RPG Cast – Episode 535: “Hand-Washing Song”

We’re all cooped up, but that doesn’t mean the video game news stops! Well, it actually was a little slimmer this week, but Anna Marie, Chris, Jonathan, Kelley, and Peter still have plenty of games to discuss. We also have an impromptu hand-washing sing-along?

RPG Backtrack Episode 214: Echoes in My Mind

Remakes of Fire Emblem games were limited to the DS, until the second entry in the series saw a 3DS rendition.  Something that originated on the Famicom occasioned quite a bit of discussion, presented here for listeners to enjoy.