Dreamscaper Gameplay Shown
Afterburner Studios provided some new gameplay footage for its upcoming roguelite action RPG Dreamscaper. Players control a woman named Cassidy and dive into her subconscious when she dreams. Cassidy suffers from surreal nightmares and players must survive these dreams in order to keep her from meeting a dark fate. The three minutes of footage, viewable below, provide introductions to the game’s combat and the variety of abilities available to players, the dungeons known as Dreamscapes, how main protagonist Cassidy can spend her time in the regular world, and her Nightmare enemies.
Dreamscaper is set to launch on Steam Early Access this summer and is expected to spend around six months in Early Access. The game will also be released on Nintendo Switch as a timed console exclusive. Those wishing to try out the game can check out its free prologue on Steam, which includes the Home Town level and is said to offer four to six hours of content.
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