RPG Backtrack Episode 189: No Fates but What We Make

Previous Fire Emblem titles were self-contained, but Fates is a different experience in its structure.  Nintendo and Intelligent Systems made some interesting decisions here, and we delve into them at length.

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2 Responses

  1. plattym3 plattym3 says:

    Another great backtrack! I tried out Google Podcast, a brand new app and lo & behold what do I see pop up immediately: this episode, only a couple hours old. Gave it a listen today and great quality. I just recently discovered you all a couple of months ago through Phil’s comments on my facebook group and I think I’ve listened to 20-30 episodes now going back 7 years, just jumping around. I really liked all the different formats and openings and such you’ve had. Keep up the good work! Looking forward to you sometime soon doing a Dragon Quest 7, 8, & 9 Backtrack to complete a trilogy of DQ reviews.

  2. Did we touch upon the altered weapons triangle in this game/these games? I still can’t keep it straight without looking it up.

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