Tagged: Arc the Lad

Arc the Lad R Out Now in Japan

It’s only been a few weeks since its official unveiling, but Arc the Lad R is out now in Japan. The free-to-play title is a reboot for the series, set ten years after the events of the second game.

ForwardWorks Announces Arc the Lad R

ForwardWorks has made the official reveal of its previously-announced Arc the Lad title. No date has been announced for release, but there is a couple of trailers for the mobile tactical RPG.

Arc the Lad: End of Darkness Retroview

Some series are able to flit between genres successfully. Arc the Lad did not prove to be one of them, and this game helps explain why the series hasn’t been seen in a long time.

Arc the Lad III Retroview

In a world rent asunder and struggling to recapture its former glory, Hunters are needed to keep things from getting too bad. Welcome to the life of one, and get ready to do a lot of jobs in the name of public order – along with sillier reasons.

Arc the Lad II Retroview

Most lads aren’t wanted by dangerous megalomaniacs seeking world conquest, but Arc is unique. His second game is a much more varied experience than the first, and worth seeking out by the tactical audience.

Arc the Lad Retroview

Plenty of young men get called lads at some point in their early years, but most of them aren’t named Arc. Exactly why he’s a lad is open to question, since his deeds are not childlike in stature.

Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits Retroview

Humans and Deimos are on a collision course, with both sides seeking to draw blood forevermore. The resulting game does a lot of things right, but never addresses what happened to Phobos in this naming convention.

Arc the Lad: End of Darkness Review

The previous games in the Arc the Lad series have been tactical RPGs, but things are different this time around. Are these changes for better or for worse?