Streets of Rogue 2 Showcases Its Classes

Publisher tinyBuild and developer Matt Dabrowski released a new trailer for Streets of Rogue 2. The minute-long video features some of the character classes available in the upcoming title, which includes the soldier, farmer, gorilla, thief, hacker, and cop.

Streets of Rogue 2 sees players aiming to overthrow the corrupt president and take control of the country themselves, and includes online and local co-op. It blends a wide variety of genres with players given a large amount of freedom with the play style and potential tools and weapons. Streets of Rogue 2 is set to launch on Steam Early Access on October 22, 2024.



Mohamed Lamine Coulibaly

Fascinated by the screens since I saw them, video games are a sorcery I quickly became obsessed with. This passion culminated with the discovery of the RPGs. At that time, they were likely the sole titles where story and world building mattered as much as gameplay. Now, I am writing about them, especially my favorite ones: the JRPGs!

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