Dragon Quest X Offline Details Synthesis
Square Enix provided additional details for Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes Offline. The new update focuses on the Fun-Size Forge and Accessory Synthesis, with which players can create and upgrade equipment.
The Fun-Size Forge is obtained automatically as part of the story and can be used from any safe location in the world. It lets players generate items that are more powerful than those bought from shops, including some that can’t be purchased. To create items, players must first find recipes, which can be found in many ways including from shops and bookshelves.
Recipes require ingredients, though players can purchase any needed materials on the spot. Crafting involves a mini-game where players will need to bash parts of the item, aiming to it get into the green target zone to get a better result. As players create items, they will raise the forge level, granting access to skills that will assist them. If players are unhappy with their forging result, they can use a Perfectionist Pearl to rework it in the hope of gaining a more powerful one.
Meanwhile, the Accessory Synthesis is shop on the Wena Islands. Here players can give special effects to accessories. It requires both the base accessory and a material accessory. Players can select they want to apply to the base accessory, with a guaranteed success. The available effects depend on the material accessory used, with base accessories able to be given up to three additional effects.
Dragon Quest X Offline is a single-player version of MMORPG Dragon Quest X and will launch in Japan for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch in the summer of 2022. Its first expansion, The Sleeping Hero and the Guiding Ally, will follow in fall 2022. No announcement has been made regarding a possible western release for Dragon Quest X Offline.
Source: Gematsu
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