Monster Hunter Stories 2 Gets New Info, Monster Hunter Rise Update Detailed
Capcom held a new Monster Hunter digital event today, during which it provided new information for the upcoming Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin and new details about its latest update for Monster Hunter Rise. A new trailer for Monster Hunter Stories 2 gives a look at two returning characters from the previous game and reveals some of the game’s story details, with the presentation diving into the game’s turn-based combat.
Monster Hunter Stories 2 puts players in the role of a young Monster Rider able to form bonds with monsters using a Kinship Stone. They encounter returning characters Lilia and Reverto, who are attempting to capture the player’s Razewing Ratha companion before it awakens a prophecised destructive power called the Wings of Ruin. However, a group of Riders and Hunters are also working to capture Razewing Ratha for their own purposes.
The three Power, Speed, and Technical attack types from Monster Hunter Stories return for the second game, which also makes use of weapon types, elements, and skills in its combat system. Players can counter incoming attacks from enemies by learning their fighting styles, and can also target specific body parts or team up with their Monstie and Battle Buddy allies for powerful joint attacks. Monster Hunter Stories 2 is set to launch for PC and Nintendo Switch on July 9, 2021.
Meanwhile, Monster Hunter Rise’s first major free content update is slated to launch later today. The update will add Elder Dragons Kushala Daora, Teostra, and Chameleos to the game, as well as Apex Diablos and Apex Rathalos. Meanwhile, previous Apex monsters will be available to encounter outside of Rampage quests, while Magnamalo will join Rampage quests. Players will also be able to forge layered armour and obtain the max hunter rank after completing its requirements. Additional event quests will be released after the update launches.
Monster Hunter Rise is the latest mainline title in the series and released for Nintendo Switch in March 2021. The game includes two new major gameplay features — Wyvern Riding and the vertical-movement-assisting Wirebug — while Palamutes join Felynes as support-based companions. It also adds the Rampage, a gameplay mode where players are tasked with defending the village from numerous monsters attacking at once with assistance from defensive emplacements. Those looking to read more about the game can check out Phil Willis’s review.
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin Screenshots and Trailer
Monster Hunter Rise Update Ver. 2.0 Trailer
Full Presentation
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