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3 Responses

  1. plattym3 plattym3 says:

    @JCServant, looking for something to play on your Switch? Something that will scratch that turn-based itch? For a game that during your trips you might like best, I highly encourage you to try SteamWorld Quest! No need to leave this one half-complete in shame, even you might even be able to complete this 12 hour game. Fast-paced battles with cards drawn from a deck, autosaves so you don’t have to wonder: save points? What the heck! Just my 2 cents but I think into this game you should dive, I reviewed it for the site and rated it a 4.5.

  2. plattym3 plattym3 says:

    Good to hear Puzzles & Dragons + Mario & whatnot is good. Picked it up used from GameStop for $10 for my son and he didn’t enjoy it (despite his love of iPad Puzzles & Dragons). Now I’ll have to give it a try based on the positive comments!

  3. JCServant JCServant says:

    LOL. Ok..>I might do that @plattym3!

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