New Details Emerge for Grandia I and II HD Remaster
At the 2018 Tokyo Game Show, GungHo Studios provided some insight on the changes gamers can expect when the HD remasters of Grandia I and Grandia II are released. Grandia I will be coming to the Nintendo Switch and Steam. Grandia II HD, already available on Steam, will also be heading to the Switch. The games will be getting the following enhancements:
Grandia I
- Enhanced details to UI, sprites, and texture art. 2x to 4x upscaling
- Original cinematic videos receiving visual enhancements
- Widescreen support and customizable resolutions for PC
- Addition of MSAA, bloom, normal mapping, and blur effects
- Steam cards and achievements
- Japanese audio and subtitles, English audio and subtitles
- Language support: English & Japanese
- Digitally converted game manual
- Utilizing PS1 & Sega Saturn source code
- Gamepad and keyboard support with remappable controls
Grandia II
- Digitally converted game manual
- Utilizing Grandia II Anniversary Edition source code, which originally was based on the Sega Dreamcast source code
- Fix PC video/audio desync and switch to XInput
- Add support to exit to title
- Japanese subtitles added for Switch version
These lists are not final as GungHo stated more features will be added to the remastered games. Grandia I and Grandia II HD Remaster are set to release in North America and Europe, though GungHo did not mention a Japanese release for the games. There has been no announcement of a release date at this time.
Source: Game Informer
-Utilizing PS1 & Sega Saturn source code
Does this mean they can start porting other Sega Saturn games now? Or was this just a special circumstance because it also has ps1 source code.
There have already been a number of ported Saturn games (like Guardian Heroes) I think the issue is a ton of the big ones Sega doesn’t have the source code.
Oh, I thought it was too difficult to port or something like that. If Sega doesn’t have the source code for their Saturn games, that’s really unfortunate.