Tagged: Wanin Games

Dusk Diver 2 Review

Dusk Diver 2 is an anime-inspired action RPG that has some addicting elements. However, its lack of combat variety and meandering story don’t pack a big punch.

Dusk Diver 2 Impression

Dusk Diver 2 makes its way to western consoles next month. Fun combat helps separate itself from its predecessor, but newcomers may need a bit of time to get up to speed with the plot.

Dusk Diver 2 Console Date Announced

Dusk Diver 2 is coming to consoles at the end of August. Idea Factory International also provided a new trailer and new screenshots for the action RPG.

Dusk Diver 2 Announced

Taiwanese action RPG Dusk Diver is getting a sequel. Dusk Diver 2 sees the return of Yumo and is in development for PC, PS4, and Switch.

Dusk Diver Out Now

Taiwanese RPG Dusk Diver is now available worldwide. Fight alongside guardian spirits and protect the human realm on PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC.

Dusk Diver Releasing in October

PQube has revealed the western release dates for Taiwanese action RPG Dusk Diver. The game will be releasing for PC, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch this October.