Why Did Ya Date Me? Dragon Quest V Edition
In this installment of Why Did Ya Date Me? RPGamer staff discuss the merits of who is the best waifu in Dragon Quest V. Is it Bianca? Debora? Nera? Let’s find out.
In this installment of Why Did Ya Date Me? RPGamer staff discuss the merits of who is the best waifu in Dragon Quest V. Is it Bianca? Debora? Nera? Let’s find out.
Our new Where to Start series is seeing a second entry with one of the forefathers of the genre. Whether you’re a newcomer, returning fan, or veteran, there are Dragon Quest titles for you!
JRPG Study Time is a new series where we explore the vast world of JRPGs and how they have evolved. We start with a look at the title that laid the technical and narrative ground work for many games to come.
The end of the original Dragon Quest trilogy brings a lot to the table. But does it stand the test of time over 25 years later?
The Dragon Quest series outside Japan was all but extinct, when a new entry for the PlayStation finally revived the brand. This was not the series’ finest hour though, and only those with a great deal of time to sacrifice should ever investigate it. Oh no, not another brown cave! I’m terrified!
‘Twas the dark of the moon on the 3rd of June with a wagon hauling logs, an eggplant thing with muffler on, and a blue slime in the cogs. We were loaded for bear on the high road, about a mile out of Moonbrooke Town. I said, “Hey Big Frank, this here’s the Tank, and we’re about to flame the Dragon Lord down.” Cause we’ve got a little ol’ caravan rolling through the night. We’ve got a little ol’ caravan, ain’t she a beautiful sight. Come on and join our caravan; ain’t nothing going to get in our way. We’re gonna roll this truckin’ caravan across to Alefgard.
What happens when we retroview a remake of a classic NES game? Well, we spend a lot of time roaming around the world and pressing attack.
Remember when it was Xciting to be Xtreme? Read this Xhiliratingly Xpressive review, and reflect on the Xtinguishing of Grandia’s Xcellent Xtreme phase.
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