Conglomerate 451 Review
Cyberpunk dungeon-crawler Conglomerate 451 sees players use their government agents to subdue a group of corporations. Battling clones with clones makes for quite a repetitive experience, however.
Cyberpunk dungeon-crawler Conglomerate 451 sees players use their government agents to subdue a group of corporations. Battling clones with clones makes for quite a repetitive experience, however.
Cybeprunk dungeon-crawler Conglomerate 451 has exited Early Access. The game is now fully available for PC on multiple digital stores.
A specific date has now been provided for the full launch of dungeon-crawling RPG Conglomerate 451. The game will exit Early Access in three weeks.
First-person dungeon-crawler Conglomerate 451 has gotten a new full launch window. The game is now expected to exit Early Access in February.
RuneHeads and 1C Entertainment have steadily been releasing updates for their first-person dungeon-crawler, Conglomerate 451. The game, currently in Early Access, is planned to see a full retail release later this year.
Cyberpunk dungeon-crawler Conglomerate 451 is coming to Steam Early Access this week. A full launch is expected after around six to eight months.
1C Entertainment and RuneHeads have announced new title Conglomerate 451. The cyberpunk dungeon-crawler combines its traditional grid-based combat with XCOM-style squad management.
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