RPG Cast – Episode 579: “Bad Nugs Are Still Nugs”
Josh tells us another tale of the Mehss Effect. Sam poots. Anna Marie gets snuggles, not struggles. Kelley tells us about the big hole in her heart. And Chris disinfects himself with Atelier Lysol.
Josh tells us another tale of the Mehss Effect. Sam poots. Anna Marie gets snuggles, not struggles. Kelley tells us about the big hole in her heart. And Chris disinfects himself with Atelier Lysol.
Alex looks so good he must be rendered. Robert rickrolls all the things. Kelley is our Neptunian Angel. Chris is getting ready to Rise, but first he must Ryza.
It’s a slightly quieter week after the mass dump of games that was February and the first week of March. Kelley doesn’t want her mom to think she’s watching hentai, while Anna Marie insists our reviewers don’t hate every game. Josh will one day be free of the epic grip of Cold Steel IV, but not before Chris convinces him if he just lifts a truck, he can find a new orbment.
Kelley reviews a game in cats, Josh mourns the Moe, Chris gets to say Gugnir again, and Jonathan gets surpassed by his own progeny.
Chris really wants a giant salad in a bread bowl, Anna Marie says no to Poké-non theories. Kelley is having all the Crises because Chris won’t let her read the news in peace, and Alex is quietly contemplating a Final Fantasy VII: Belt Edition while everyone argues.
Kelley gets a sweet message from her husband, while Josh is not convinced he wants to play the Untitled Groose Game. Anna Marie is warned off of spitting in Chris’s briefs and calling it rain, and somehow we manage to get through two weeks of news including two big presentations!
From beefcakes to thirsty NPCs, we cover the gamut of the most important awards of the year. Wheels finally gets his due. And everyone comes to terms with their feelings about visual novels.
Josh is having an Ys-y time. Anna Marie ranks all the slime families. Robert gets notified every time google kills a product. And Chris tells everyone to blink on cue.
Anna Marie practices equal opportunity violence. Kelley fawns over Sidon Shark (do do do do). Robert is the destroyer of Vitas. Josh is stress. Chris does some Neo Vision shaming. And Alex wonders why he allows this podcast on the site.
Chris does an Xbox 180 while Josh steals Anna Marie’s needle. Robert gets the snotty kleenex award because he can’t figure out how to stream Suikoden. And Kelley is too busy fawning over Revali to notice.
Chris launches a new MLM. Alex plays Shooty Souls. And Kelley reveals a new screenshot from her upcoming game. Now if you don’t mind, we all have resolutions to go break.
Anna Marie spends the whole show looking for her holes. Jonathan Stringer is off singing Sakuna Matata. Josh Carpenter has all the sinks. Kelley Ryan cleans her entire house with a broom. And Chris has issues with Wil Wheaton.
This week we discuss the bacon that broke Anna’s back, Kelley shows us the power of the nip-nado, Pascal meets the Bok Choys, Josh is sponsored by revengecrabs.com, and Robert speedruns the produce department.
Anna Marie Privitere gets de-wormed but has to tell Chris to stop helping. Phil Willis is not at all biased about musous. Kelley Ryan is all about the DMCAs. But Alex Fuller saw all of this coming.
Kelley mounts her fox onto a fox to go for a walk with her foxes. Robert breaks his keyboard. Anna Marie drinks the Kool-Aid. Chris is singing about Death Tales, awooo-oo. And Josh vapes with his Xbox. Regardless, they all agree that you should not play Operation Darkness.
There’s one cat in the mouse, but five folks on the cast. Alex apologizes for rocks. Kelley learns things by watching mew. Chris is watching RPGmaniacs. Anna Marie has started embalming ship girls. And Pascal flips coins to decide whether or not to open a site indexing body mutilation in films.
We can’t believe we have to say this, but this week Chris tries to understand water vapor. Anna Marie takes a week off to go date some demons. Josh frequents a sex shop to pick up some weapons. Pascal starts vaping in his Xbox. And Robert and Kelley are testing the jiggle physics of sacks in World of Warcraft.
It’s Extra Life 2020. Chris is dying in Hades. Anna Marie thinks orange is pretty sus. Kelley can’t let go of Laharl. Josh is back on the Trails. And Alex is outta here to pursue his new racing career.
We’re rounding up two weeks of news with Robert, Kelley, Jonathan, Chris, and Anna Marie. Everything is delayed, so in response everything else is…also delayed…? Can we just cancel the rest of 2020 and skip right to next year, please?
The cast regulars (Anna Marie, Chris and Kelley) are joined by Robert and newcomer Corey to discuss this week’s news. A heated debate about free-to-play mechanics breaks out as the crew is split on Genshin Impact and other mobile titles while Chris eats chocolate covered almonds. Three weeks to go until Extra Life!
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