RPG Cast – Episode 733: “You Don’t Have to Go Home but You Can’t Fish Here”

Kelley builds a fan mod alternate LEGO Sonic build. Josh learns not to read the wiki…any wiki. Matt digs through Infinity’s trash to find out when the money ran out. Chris is watching the anime…but it’s not good either.

Question of the Week
Are you a video game hoarder? Do you use your items or save them?

Check out the show notes here!

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4 Responses

  1. Scar Scar says:

    If you don’t use it, you lose it.

  2. Oh, I definitely hoard items in RPGs. I’m especially bad about saving mana-restoring items. In many games, they are either expensive or unavailable to purchase at all. Thus I hang on to them, wondering if I should save them for a particularly long dungeon or hard boss fight.

  3. Traceriii Traceriii says:

    I normally start by using items, but soon find that they are not as good as spells or powering through the problem.

  4. TheAnimeMan TheAnimeMan says:

    Depends on the game. Some games I earn and burn other games I hoard like no tomorrow.

    Even in Nikke, like I knew that some new chapters were dropped so my main account I saved up for over a month just so I would get the increased rewards once I completed those chapters.

    So it just all depends.

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